Communities/Wabash County, Indiana
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Life In Wabash County, Indiana


Wabash County invests in its people. Come see how Wabash is putting people at the center of their remote worker program.

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64 Community Posts

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Internet Speed Rating

4568 Mbps

Closest Airport

Wabash County, Indiana: Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA / KFWA) • 41 mi

Weather (High/Low)

81 / 31

Median Home Value (3BR, 2BA)


Wabash County: FUN FACT

Wabash used a new type of carbon arc light invented by Charles Brush in 1870. On March 31, 1880, four 3,000-candle power lamps were suspended from the top of the courthouse. Two telegraph wires ran from the lamps to the courthouse basement, where they were connected to a generator powered by a 12-horsepower steam engine to provide power.

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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.

COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

According to the COLI Manual, composite differences of <4% and categorical differences of <5% are not statistically significant and should not be treated as necessarily accurate.


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Wabash County Community Feed

Get a feel for what Wabash County is all about from the community's locals who know best.

New Posts

Wabash County will invest in you.

We were lucky enough to spend a couple days in Wabash County and we saw firsthand how much this community wraps its arms around its residents. Chatting with Addie at The Montessori School at WPC, we learned that the county is investing in early childhood education. Meeting up with young professionals at Modoc’s, a local coffee shop that pays homage to an elephant that escaped the circus, we learned that leadership development is top of mind (and a program benefit!).

We also learned that they invest in their local parks, like Friendship Hill, one of the largest inclusive playgrounds in the Midwest. They also are creating more opportunities to get outside, like the Wabash River Trail that runs from Wabash to Lagro.

And as if this wasn’t enough, they’re even investing money in early scholarship funds for kids. As part of the Early Award Scholarship Program, every student in 4th-8th grade who attends school in Wabash County has the opportunity to earn up to $1,000 for doing their homework in math, reading and language arts, and for completing college prep activities.

Driving around the county, you can feel that these communities are listening to their residents and creating spaces for learning, recreation, arts and entertainment, and family and friends. Best of all? They’re welcoming you to be a part of it!

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