Communities/Tulsa, Oklahoma
A shot of the Tulsa skyline.
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Located along historic Route 66, Tulsa is situated on the Arkansas River in northeastern Oklahoma.
Plentiful outdoor recreation spaces provide entertainment for all ages in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
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Life In Tulsa, Oklahoma

Offers up to $10,000

Nestled in northeastern Oklahoma, Tulsa is located on the Arkansas River. Part of historic Route 66, Tulsa is renowned for its art deco architecture. Plentiful outdoor recreation spaces provide entertainment for all ages. Explore one of 135 parks spanning 6,553 acres, including the Redbud Valley Nature Preserve. Enjoy 57 miles of walking trails, 227 sports fields and 99 playgrounds. Visit the Tulsa Zoo and see 3,000 animals, including the Lemur Grotto, Sea Lion Cove and the... 

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2 Community Posts

More About Tulsa



Internet Speed Rating

1000 Mbps

Closest Airport

Tulsa International Airport • 9 mi

Weather (High/Low)

93 / 28

Median Home Value (3BR, 2BA)



Once known as the oil capital of the world, Tulsa is home to the United States’ sixth-tallest statue. Located outside the Tulsa Expo Center, the “Golden Driller” stands 75 feet tall and weighs 43,500 pounds. Originally designed in 1952 for the International Petroleum Exposition, it’s one of Tulsa’s most photographed sites.

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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.

COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

According to the COLI Manual, composite differences of <4% and categorical differences of <5% are not statistically significant and should not be treated as necessarily accurate.


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Tulsa Community Feed

Get a feel for what Tulsa is all about from the community's locals who know best.

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"Tulsa is a unique place with amazing people. It is a small-town vibe, without sacrificing base for the amenities, and has a Midwestern vibe with southern history. The people here are incredibly warm and welcoming. They're very interested in and rooting for you and your individual success here in Tulsa, which is amazing. I just moved to Tulsa over the summer, and I felt more connected here after a few months than I did after 15 years in Austin."

Mandi Ford Argo

Tulsa Director of Venture for America

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