Communities/Marion, Indiana
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Life In Marion, Indiana


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10225 Mbps

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Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA / KFWA) • 45 mi

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81 / 31

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Marion: FUN FACT

Artist Jim Davis was born in Marion. After going to college, he noticed there were a lot of comic strips about dogs but none about cats. Jim created a new character – a fat, lasagna-loving cat named Garfield. On June 19, 1978, the comic strip first appeared in 41 newspapers in U.S. cities like Boston, Chicago, and Dallas. Today, more than 2,600 newspapers print Garfield worldwide.

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Marion Community Feed

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Down­town, Mar­i­on is where you’ll find the com­mu­ni­ty’s art hub, which hous­es a full array of art stu­dios for dance, fine arts, and much more. There are record­ing stu­dios, art gal­leries (some with­in small busi­ness­es), music les­son cen­ters, music gear & repair shops, graph­ic design & pho­tog­ra­phy busi­ness­es, and a pub­lic library & muse­um which hous­es a pletho­ra of resources to quench one’s inter­est in the arts. Fash­ion as well as home design & dec­o­rat­ing are all art, too! Mar­i­on has fash­ion bou­tiques and home décor & gift shops locat­ed downtown.

Did you know that Mar­i­on, Indi­ana is the ​“Home of the Hog”? No, not the farm animal…“Hog” is also a nick­name for large motor­cy­cles. Each year, Mar­i­on hosts Hog Daze which takes place Down­town, Mar­i­on, wel­com­ing bike enthu­si­asts from all over the coun­try. Find out why the term ​“hog” orig­i­nat­ed in Mar­i­on, Indi­ana and learn more about the event.

Speak­ing of vehi­cles, there are also two boom­ing events which take place at our pres­ti­gious region­al air­port. One is the long­stand­ing Fly/​In Cruise/​In which brings in vis­i­tors from far and wide to see his­tor­i­cal air­craft and auto­mo­biles. More recent­ly, a new fla­vor of car enthu­si­asm is ignit­ing as Mar­i­on, Indi­ana also hosts the Indy Airstrip Attack fea­tur­ing high speed rac­ing down the airport’s run­way. A world record was set in 2017, then in 2018 for the fastest half-mile at near­ly 260 miles per hour.

Switch­ing gears, Mar­i­on is just a few miles south of the his­tor­i­cal Bat­tle of the Mis­sissinewa, the first offen­sive vic­to­ry of the Amer­i­can army dur­ing the War of 1812. Bus­loads of thou­sands trav­el to Mar­i­on dur­ing the ​“Mis­sissinewa 1812” reen­act­ment week­end which takes place each fall on the very grounds the bat­tle took place over 200 years ago.

Mar­i­on also hous­es the inter­na­tion­al Quil­ters Hall of Fame, the home of quilt design­er Marie Web­ster, one of the first female entre­pre­neurs. Quil­ters and enthu­si­asts from all of the world gath­er here to see unique quilts, take class­es, and cel­e­brate the folk art of quilting.

If you’re a fan of the Garfield com­ic, Mar­i­on fea­tures three of the dozen unique Garfield stat­ues which are spread through­out the coun­ty along the Grant Coun­ty Garfield Trail.

And dare we for­get to share that Mar­i­on, Indi­ana is the birth­place of the leg­endary Hol­ly­wood icon, James Dean. You might vis­it the James Dean Birth Site Memo­r­i­al down­town at 4th and McClure Street on your way to or from the mul­ti­tude of attrac­tions in his home­town of Fair­mount, located 15 minutes south of Marion.

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