Communities/Lincoln County, Kansas
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Bike Share at the Lincoln County Courthouse
Wilson Lake Wakesurfing
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Life In Lincoln County, Kansas


Lincoln County boasts a wide variety of activities for nature lovers of every level - everything from hunting and hiking to birding and mountain biking. The newly finished Achterberg Trail is a prairie and wildlife restoration project opened by the Audubon Project of Kansas. Other local favorites include fishing and skiing on Wilson Lake and biking and hiking along the Salinas River. Lincoln County is perfect for remote workers looking for adventure.

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Internet Speed Rating

1153 Mbps

Closest Airport

Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower Airport (ICT) • 142 mi

Weather (High/Low)

92 / 22

Median Home Value (3BR, 2BA)


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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.

COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

According to the COLI Manual, composite differences of <4% and categorical differences of <5% are not statistically significant and should not be treated as necessarily accurate.


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Lincoln County Community Feed

Get a feel for what Lincoln County is all about from the community's locals who know best.

New Posts

“I missed having access to a I bought an old building and equipment, and we opened!” Full video here.

Kelly Gourley

Hear how Kelly Gourley identified a need for a gym in Lincoln County, Kansas and opened one.

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If you’re imagining a sleepy, old town - think again. Lincoln County, KS is for those looking for their next adventure.

The folks in Lincoln County work hard and play hard. During the week they do everything from farming the land to renovating historic downtown buildings. But on the weekends, they mountain bike down Beer Can Hill Road (you’ll have to ask the locals how it got it’s name), they boat and water ski on Lake Wilson, they meet friends for coffee and lunch at Violette’s downtown, they hunt for whatever may be in season from pheasants to white tail, they fish, they bird watch…they do it all!

Perhaps you already know of Lincoln County from their viral article in The Hustle about the family that moved there to renovate a house they got for free. That’s right, free. That family - Eddie, Julie and their 3 kids of, moved to Lincoln County for an adventure and for the opportunity to make something completely their own.

When the MakeMyMove team visited, this was a sentiment we heard echoed frequently throughout our interactions with residents. People had moved to Lincoln County for their own type of adventure. Whether that be building a home on their dream piece of property, starting that business they’d always dreamed of, growing a hobby farm, or outdoor activities galore - Lincoln County, KS has something for everyone.

P.S. If you don’t have a homemade strawberry pop tart at Violette’s, you’re missing out.

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