Communities/Delphi, Indiana
 Trunk or Treat in Downtown Delphi
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“The Delphi”, a replica canal boat on the Wabash & Erie Canal at Canal Park
Eating at the Sandwich Shop
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Life In Delphi, Indiana


Home to the Delphi Opera House and Canal Park, this supportive community is great for remote workers.

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1 Community Posts

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Internet Speed Rating

1200 Mbps

Closest Airport

Indianapolis International Airport (IND / KIND) • 82 mi

Weather (High/Low)

82 / 33

Median Home Value (3BR, 2BA)


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Delphi, Indiana is a great place for remote workers. The city has a low cost of living, a strong economy, and a welcoming community.

Low Cost of Living

One of the biggest advantages of living in Delphi is the low cost of living. With affordable housing, the cost of groceries, transportation, and utilities are all below the national average. This means that remote workers can save a lot of money by living in Delphi.

Strong Economy

Delphi has a strong economy, with a low unemployment rate and a growing number of job opportunities. The city is home to a number of manufacturing companies, as well as a number of healthcare, education, and technology businesses. This means that remote workers can find a job that fits their skills and interests in Delphi.

Supportive Community

Delphi has a supportive community with a lot to offer remote workers. The city has a number of parks, libraries, and museums, as well as a number of restaurants, bars, and shops. There are also a number of community events and activities throughout the year. This means that remote workers can find a way to connect with their community in Delphi.

Here are some additional reasons why remote workers should consider moving to Delphi:

  • The city is located in the heart of the Midwest, making it easy to travel to other major cities in the region.

  • Delphi has a number of excellent schools, making it a great place to raise a family.

  • The city is home to a number of parks and recreation facilities, making it easy to stay active.

  • Delphi has a number of cultural attractions, such as the Delphi Opera House and the Canal Park.

The Delphi Opera House

The Delphi Opera House is a historic 19th century theater located in the heart of downtown Delphi. The theater has been restored and renovated, and it now hosts a variety of events, including concerts, plays, and musicals.

The Canal Park

The Canal Park is a waterfront park with visitor center that was opened in 2003. The park has a number of amenities, including a playground, a walking trail, and a boathouse. The Canal Park is a great place for folks to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

If you're looking for a great place to live and work, Delphi, Indiana is a great option. The city has a low cost of living, a strong economy, a welcoming community, and a number of cultural attractions.

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