Shiraz M

6 months ago


ASPIRE event | "Speed Dating for Careers"

On November 2nd, the Perry County College Success Coalition hosted the annual ASPIRE event for sophomores. We joking call it "Speed Dating for Careers" but essentially the event involves more than 80 local professionals spending a day with local students in order to share about their (sometimes unconventional) career paths, the best (and worst) parts of their jobs, and what they have come to love and appreciate about living in Perry County.

We are so grateful for all of the amazing organizations and individuals who made this event possible including Perry Central Community School Corporation, Tell City-Troy Township Schools, Kimberly of Lutgring Bros. Inc., Katie of Ivy Tech Tell City Career and Technology Center, and our event sponsors.

#pickperry  #ASPIRE2023  #futureworkforce  #careerexploration  #careerdevelopment