Landing Your Dream Remote Job: 6 Steps to Finding Work

By Natalia Wolting  • May 14, 2024

Remote work offers undeniable benefits like flexible schedules and location independence. A study by Upwork estimates that by 2025 remote workers will make up 22% of the American workforce. With this growing number of telecommuters, how do you stand out and snag that coveted job? Following these steps gives you the tools and strategies needed to navigate the exciting world of remote work opportunities.

Step 1: Self-Assess by Asking These Questions

  • What Type of Role Do You Want? Before you begin applying, it’s important to know the type of remote job you want. What industries interest you? What kind of work schedule are you after? Knowing exactly what you're looking for will help streamline your search.

  • Why Remote Work? What motivates you to seek a remote position? Is it flexibility, work-life balance, or the freedom to travel? Understanding your motivations will help you stay focused and committed during your job search.

  • What Skills Do You Offer? Take inventory of your skills and experience. What are you good at? What kind of work energizes you? Consider transferable skills you may possess from previous roles.

Step 2: Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter for Remote Work

  • Highlight Remote-Friendly Skills - Showcase skills that translate well to a remote environment. Time management, strong communication and self-motivation are all essential for remote workers.

  • Quantify Your Achievements - Use data and metrics to showcase the impact you've had in previous roles. Quantifiable results demonstrate your value to potential employers.

  • Optimize for Keywords - Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Research common keywords for your target role and industry and strategically incorporate them into your resume.

  • Craft Compelling Cover Letters - Don't underestimate the power of a well-written cover letter. Tailor each letter to the specific job, highlighting relevant skills and experiences and enthusiastically expressing your interest in working remotely.

Step 3: Explore the Landscape of Remote Work Platforms

Move beyond traditional job boards and explore platforms specializing in remote opportunities. Set up job alerts so you never miss a promising new listing. Popular remote work platforms include:

  • FlexJobs - A subscription-based platform with a curated list of remote jobs across various industries.

  • We Work Remotely - A job board featuring remote positions worldwide, with a focus on tech and creative fields.

  • - A platform with hand-picked remote jobs, searchable by category and location.

  • SkipTheDrive - A job board specifically for remote positions in the US and Canada.

  • LinkedIn - Many companies advertise remote jobs on LinkedIn. Join relevant industry groups and use search filters to find remote opportunities.

Step 4: Network Your Way to Success

  • Leverage Your Existing Network - Let your friends, family and former colleagues know you're seeking a remote job. You might be surprised by who has valuable leads.

  • Optimize Your Online Presence - In the remote world, your online footprint is everything. Polish up your LinkedIn profile and engage in industry discussions. Share relevant content that establishes your expertise. And make sure all your social media accounts are employer friendly. This is how you'll make a good virtual first impression.

  • Build an Impressive Online Portfolio or Website - This is particularly helpful for creative fields like writing, design, or web development.

  • Attend Industry Events - Participating in virtual or in-person industry events can expose you to potential employers and network with professionals who can offer advice and connect you to open positions.

Step 5: Ace the Remote Interview

While an interview process for a remote role might differ slightly from a traditional format, the core principles remain the same.

  • Prepare Thoroughly - Research the company and the specific role. Prepare answers to common interview questions and anticipate questions specific to remote work, such as time management strategies and communication preferences.

  • Professionalism Matters - Dress professionally for video interviews, even though you're working from home. Ensure you have a quiet, well-lit background for the call. Minimize distractions and project confidence in your body language and practice maintaining excellent virtual eye contact.

  • Ask Questions - Don't be afraid to ask insightful questions about the company culture, communication practices and expectations for remote work.

Step 6: Don’t Get Discouraged

  • Try Freelancing - If you're struggling to land a full-time remote role, consider building experience through freelancing on sites like Upwork or Fiverr. It's a great way to grow your remote resume.

  • Stay Persistent and Adaptable - The remote job search is a marathon, not a sprint. Stick with it, keep expanding your skills and be willing to pivot your strategies as needed.

By following these 6 steps, you'll be well on your way to joining the ranks of the remote workforce in your perfect work-from-anywhere role.

About MakeMyMove

Remote work has freed millions of Americans to live where they want, and many are making the move to places that better match their lifestyle. In turn, cities and towns across the country are offering incentives like cash, perks and programming to remote workers who move and work from their communities. At MakeMyMove, you can explore all the places, get personalized help to find the one that’s right for you, connect with locals, and access support to make your move a piece of cake.

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