Communities/Huntington, Indiana
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Evergreen Parks and Arboretum
Sunken Gardens in Huntington
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Life In Huntington, Indiana


Remote workers with families will love Huntington's program- free summer camp and a travel fund for out-of-town visitors.

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14 Community Posts

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7524 Mbps

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Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA / KFWA) • 17 mi

Weather (High/Low)

84 / 31

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Huntington: FUN FACT

Huntington is nicknamed 'Lime City' because of the vast amounts of limestone in the area. The popular attraction, Sunken Gardens, started out as a stone quarry, but after it was abandoned and became an eyesore, the city purchased the property in 1924. A short time later a group of members of the Huntington Chamber of Commerce acquired the quarry and began to beautify it into its original beauty. According to the Parks Department, it is one of only two such gardens in the country.

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MakeMyMove sources all Cost of Living Data from COLI, published by the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), without any modification or bias.

COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNN Money. The data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users, found in the COLI Manual. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

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Huntington Community Feed

Get a feel for what Huntington is all about from the community's locals who know best.

Our visit to Huntington started with a walking tour of downtown Huntington with Bob Caley, a local realtor. We walked along the rail trail and saw newly opened (and soon to be opened) restaurants, classic diners and candy shops. We learned that Huntington is saving important buildings and spaces so that the community has places to gather and connect. From a former coffee shop experiencing new life to an Odd Fellows Hall that’s been reimagined for modern living, Huntington’s making space for current and future residents to gather. They’re also making sure families feel welcomed and supported.

Here’s what we’re loving about Huntington:

  1. UB Launch: This building is community collaboration on display (and you can live there!). Community stakeholders came together to save this historic building, which now houses art galleries, classrooms, offices, co-working space, and market-rate apartments - all right downtown! We met Joey Spiegel there (a remote worker) and he showed us around this beautiful building.

  2. Market on Vine and Coffee D’Vine: Taryn Fusselman met her husband at the original Coffee D’Vine and has reimagined this space as a coffee shop and market (full of amazing finds - books, jewelry, clothing, kids stuff, and the softest sweatshirt we’ve ever felt).

  3. Family Support: It takes a village, amirite? Anyone who has kids knows this isn’t just a saying. It’s real, and Huntington understands. They’re offering movers a FREE 6 week summer camp for kids ages 4-14. They’re also offering a $250 travel fund for your out-of-town family to come visit.

  4. Nick’s Diner: Bob recommended we grab lunch here and it did not disappoint. Nick’s is a place where you can run into locals, students from Huntington University, and out-of-towners, and plenty of families. Two words: homemade pie. Three more words: Over fifteen varieties.

Huntington is also a place where you can knock on the window and the store owner lets you in early (check out the video for a tour of HomeCraft and a beautifully renovated apartment). If you’re a remote worker looking for a place to call home that will offer you support and  plenty of spaces outside your home office to gather: Huntington’s the place for you.

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